Thursday, July 15: Ephesians 5-What pleases the Lord?

I love it when I see something I don’t recall reading before. When that happens I try to take note because often that is where God will have me ponder that day.

Today, as you have guessed, is one of those days… a single sentence in the middle of the chapter spread over a couple of verses. Taking out a parentheses and here is the sentence that stopped me. Verses 8b &10: Live as children of light … and find out what pleases the Lord.

Simple, yet the more I think about it, highly profound. Paul is using ‘light’ as a metaphor for God and God’s way. Live God’s way, aka, according to the scriptures, is his first word. To which I want to respond, “Yeah and….” This is such a no brainer!

It is the next thought that grabbed me; find out what pleases the Lord. I am not sure what it is exactly but I find that a powerful thought. Yes, of course, I need to be attending to Scripture and to the confirming voice of the Holy Spirit to discover what pleases the Lord.  Then I must do it.

I sit here and marvel at the practicality of this word…

As a husband, I have learned (and continue to learn) what pleases my wife. When I choose to do those things, pathways to a deeper relationship opens.  As a dad, it is similar with my children, and as a friend, it is so with my friends.

God’s word is so straightforward and practical sometimes… find out what pleases the Lord… and do that.

If you are wondering where to start, go back and scan the last two chapters. God shares plenty of behaviors that please the Lord.

Lord, today’s time in Your word is one of those gems. A simple thought that grows as I meditate upon it and LIVE it! Lord, I seek to please others.  I pray that today I would live in ways that please You. Bring scriptures to mind that can instruct me. Holy Spirit, nudge me throughout the day that I might live pleasingly to You, O God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


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