Today God opened my eyes to something I do not remember reading before. I have read Philemon umpteen times and its message is a favorite one for me. And yet today, God had this wonderful, fresh word for me in verse 6: I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.
I don't know how I could have missed this cornel before. Paul connects sharing of one's faith with having a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. The implication of Paul's prayer is that if we are not sharing our faith, we will not understand all the good things that come with Christ. Whoa… that's a stopper of a thought. If I am keeping my faith to myself I can't understand all that God has for me in Christ… whoa again!
I looked up the word for sharing; it is koinōnia, which can be translated: fellowship, communion, communication, participation and the like. Paul is praying that as we participate in the faith (verbal sharing, contributing to the needs of others, communing with brothers and sisters in the faith) we will understand the good things of Jesus Christ. Only as we actively live out our faith in real and practical ways can we know the good things of Jesus Christ.
For me this is a strong push to keep my faith active and alive, to be living out there on the edge of verbal and action witness for Jesus. Because it is "out there" on the edge that we experience the good things of God. This reminds me of a quote by Will Rogers, "go out on a limb, that's where the fruit is." God's Word is saying go out on a faith limb, that's where my goodness is.
Well, I have much to contemplate. Far too often I live my faith safely even selfishly. God's Word today is popping this balloon.
O, God, You are providing more than enough challenge with this single sentence. Go out on a limb for Jesus and actively share my faith in Jesus, push my comfort limits, risk for Jesus and Jesus' sake. Only then will I understand the many good things You have for me and all Your followers who courageously live for Jesus. God, help me to not simple hear this challenge but live it… Amen and Amen.
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