It seems Jesus regularly used the illustration, “by their fruit you will recognize them” (see
In the closing verses of this chapter Paul uses a similar illustration asking me (us) to examine our lives to see what kind of fruit we are producing…
Rotten fruit: sexual immorality, rage, jealousy, discord, selfish ambition, drunkenness… and the like. These Paul explains comes from people living for self. They are acts of the ‘sinful nature’ which every human inherits, thanks to Adam and Eve’s fall in the garden.
Good fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness… and the like. These, Paul explains, comes from God the Holy Spirit living in people who are following Jesus.
Good fruit verses Rotten fruit…
Where the Lord took me was an introspective look into my life. When I hold a mirror up and look inside what do I see? Honestly, I see a mixed bag with a bit of both kinds of fruit produced by my life. But I can also see the trend line. If I am honest with myself, and this is the key being honest with self, the fruit of my (our) lives can reveal the faith orientation of my (our) lives. Am I oriented toward self (producing rotten fruit) or God -Father, Son and Holy Spirit- (producing good fruit)? Even more so, Jesus says we will be recognized by our fruit. What do others see? Others who know us well, what do they see in us?
It is good for me to take a hard look at my life from time to time to make sure I am on track with Jesus. That is what the Spirit is asking me to do today. The Spirit is asking me to do some life ‘quality control.’ I am to examine the fruit of my life and to see if it points to a life transformed and transforming into the likeness of Jesus.
Lord, help me as I walk through today to spend time looking at how I am living. Am I living in a way that shines with Your light, Jesus? Or am I absorbed with myself? Jesus, where I find sin, may I confess it. And where I find Your fruit being produced, may I give You praise for changing my life and transforming me to be more like You. Amen.
(A note of caution, when examining ourselves it is not about justifying ourselves before God. None of us could ever live up to the perfect law of God on our own. Self-examination is a tool to help us find those areas of life in which we still need grow and surrender to Jesus.)
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