The chapter is one huge ‘ooops’, a misunderstanding of intentions and the inability to read the actions of the other, which explodes into a big problem. I have lived that deal many times in my life. I am guessing you have as well.
The lover stops by the beloved room for a love connection. The beloved, however, is sleeping, possibly from the hike in the fields of last chapter. She readies herself by combing hair, washing (bathing?), and perfuming. Meanwhile, the lover apparently becomes impatient with waiting. By the time she opens the door he is gone.
The situation spirals further downhill but my mind is already reacting. Stuff happens! We humans regularly misread situations. We jump to conclusions. And even when we do read correctly, we can become so absorbed in self that we take offence at things that we would be better off simply letting go. Such is life this side of eternity, in our broken and depraved world.
When this happens, and it will, between couples, within families, in neighborhoods and the like, we have relational problems that need to be repaired.
Every couple whose wedding I have officiated has that glaze in their eye about their partner… but the honeymoon does not last forever. Do they (do we) have the fortitude to work through the bumps in the road... bumps we cause, bumps they cause, bumps life causes?
We are left hanging. Will the beloved and her lover repair the relational tear of chapter 5? The next few days’ readings will give us the answer.
Now to our lives. Will we repair any tears that exist in our key relationships? That is what the Holy Spirit puts on my heart as I read and meditate this morning.
Lord, show me relational tears that I need to repair. Show me how to forgive where necessary, and show me how to graciously accept forgiveness of the others when that is necessary.
Lord, I surrender all my relationships to You, that with Your help they will grow stronger and steadier each passing year. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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