We have stepped into their honeymoon, a most intimate picture of two newlyweds. What is apparent from the first words is Solomon’s overflowing praise for his wife, his bride. Verses 1-15 form a cascading soliloquy of love, word picture after word picture, extolling her beauty and expressing his delight and love for her.
Admittedly, I chuckled when I read verse 2, Your teeth are like a flock of sheep just shorn, coming up from the washing. Each has its twin; not one of them is alone. I got the white teeth part in the opening, but the idea that she has all her teeth - not one of them is alone- I thought “Um, not something I would say to my bride!” (J)
Back to my main thoughts… verbally expressing love. It is refreshing to listen in as Solomon infuses his wife with love through his words. Far too often we married couples allow the verbal affirmation for our partner dry up. Oh, they know we love them, we rationalize. We have all heard the joke. The crusty husband says to his wife, “I told you I loved you at our wedding if anything changes I’ll let you know!”
This chapter sings with verbal expression of love… extolling her beauty, inviting her away so they can be by themselves and be together.
My thoughts spin from text to life, from then to now. Do I appreciate and express my appreciation and love for my wife? Does she know she is loved? Does she hear it from my lips and see it in my heart?
Writing this devotional has not been simple. The text’s content is marriage focused but I recognize not every reader is married, so allow me to widen my gaze. Here is a question everyone of us can ask ourselves, “Do I appreciate and express my appreciation and love for my family, friends, my…”?
Lord, help me express my love and my appreciation well to my wife and my family, that they may know without any doubt that they are loved by me… In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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