Tuesday, November 16: Ecclesiastes 8- An eye toward eternity.

Funny how experience can color what sticks out in Scripture. Not long ago I stood officiating a funeral. The individual had lived a long, prosperous life. Though I have stood in similar places when it seemed as if the deceased died before his/her time. I suspect that the proximity of death caused verses 7-8 to be highlighted as I read. Since no man knows the future, who can tell him what is to come? No man has power over the wind to contain it; so no one has power over the day of his death. …

How true that is. None of us know what the present day will bring. Although not likely, any day could be our last or could bring medical news that will lead to our last. I am not morbid nor do I live in fear of death. But words from God like the ones above, cause me to pause and consider, “Am I living with one eye toward eternity?”

I find it very easy to get caught up in my earthly life, to live as if all of life is defined by my present existence. This in turn can steer me to selfish living, making life all about me and my pleasure and advantage, etc.

What happens in my thoughts when I read Scripture like verse 7-8?  Is it that I stop and remember that there is much more to life than me? Much more! There is faithfulness to my Lord and Savior. There is care for the poor, the outcast and those in need (this by the way is a recurring theme spoken by my God throughout His word). There is watching my life that I avoid known sin. There is a daily relationship with my God. There is guarding my tongue and being an excellent husband and father. There is so much more to life that looking out for number 1.

Father God, thank You for the reality check that today’s Word provides for me. May I continue to allow it to steep in my heart and mind throughout the remainder of today, brewing a life of faith and love and care and compassion... To You be the glory great things You have done. Amen.


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