Saturday, December 11: Luke 10- Not what, who.

There is an intriguing little paragraph mid-chapter that grabbed my attention. In the story line it happens after the 72, who have sent out by Jesus to preach and heal, return. The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name" (17). Immediately Jesus replies, "... I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven" (19-20).

First observation: Jesus has given the 72 His authority. It is a completed action. Jesus’ authority has been passed on.

Second observation: However, and this is where I felt the Holy Spirit’s nudge to slow down and ponder, they are not to rejoice because spirits submit to them,but to rejoice that their names are written in heaven.

Jesus has given us, as disciples, authority to do what He did.  To do amazing acts healing, casting out of demons and speaking the ‘Good News’ of His gospel. When I pause to ponder that, it is amazing!  I mean we get to do what Jesus did. We get to live like the first Christians who we read about in Acts and the NT. The authority they displayed we get to display. AMAZING!!!!!

But that is not what should fire me up. Seeing what God does through me should not be the biggest charge in my life. No, what should give me the greatest joy, the deepest ‘ahhhh’, is that my name is written in heaven. What should give me and you the ‘WOW’ of life is that we are part of God’s family.  We are saved, adopted as God’s children and that our names are written in the Lamb’s book of Life!

When we are invited by the Lord to pray for someone and we see them healed or set free from some issue or attachment; when we have a God-opportunity to share Jesus with another person and we are there when they step across the life of faith into the family of God; those are special moments and joy should well up inside of us! But we shouldn’t let it go to our heads, it is God working though us, not our goodness at work.

More special than those moments, is the truth that every moment and any moment we have access to God. At any moment and every moment we can speak with the Lord of glory, feel His presence with us and live like His son/daughter. We get to revel in our salvation 24/7/365. We get the benefit of the great cross-exchange all the time. Jesus taking our sins and bearing the penalty for them.  Jesus giving to us His righteousness so that we can stand in the presence of the Almighty without fear and with boldness, the boldness of a beloved daughter or son!

This, Jesus suggests, should give us a joy to which even the greatest work for Jesus cannot compare.

My prayer for you and me is that we do many great and mighty works for God –speaking salvations words, speaking healing and delivering words- but that we do them with a humility that grows from a never-dimming awe of our salvations in Jesus.

Lord God, I praise and thank You that You invite me to be part of Your kingdom advancement. I thank You that I am used by You to display Your power and care and love in this world. It is wonderful to be used by You in these awesome ways. But, Lord, if I never get to do another great action for You, if by Your providence and wisdom I am set to the sidelines for whatever years I have left this side of eternity, I will always marvel and rejoice that You reached down into this corrupt and fallen world and saved me. You gave me Your name, and have given me life in You. That, Lord God, produces an ‘ Alleluia’ that will sing forever in my life and spirit. To You –Father, Spirit, Son, be glory an honor and power and praise for ever and ever. Amen.


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