Wednesday, December 22: Luke 19- Work the best you can, but be sure to work

I am so familiar with Matthew’s parable of the Talents (Mt 25:14-30) that the differences in Luke’s telling of the parable of the minas caught my attention. (By the way the differences shouldn’t create any concern, since Jesus likely used parables more than once and could have tweaked them to fit differing contexts.)

In Luke’s account, 10 servants receives the same amount of money, one mina (3 months wage) to invest. When the king returns, one servant hands him 10 minas (yes, a ten-fold ROI). Another servant gives the king 5 minas (a five-fold ROI). The last servant mentioned gives the king no ROI.  He squandered his opportunity not even gaining the king any interest.  What he had is taken from him and given to the servant who proved the best money manager.

What an interesting parable… the king rewards according to ability.  The more the ROI, the greater the reward and no ROI (no initiative) gains a rebuke. The king’s response stimulates a number of thoughts.

First, the king accepts the hard work of each servant according to his/her ability. Those who produced were given opportunities to use their skills now with bigger projects, i.e. cities.  But the king does not suffer fools.  The one who did nothing with what the king gave him was rebuked and dishonored in front of everyone. I thought about Jesus’ message. God will reward according to effort + ability. Ability is innate.  We can hone abilities but we can’t manufacture them. Some people have more and different abilities than others.  God honors the use of whatever abilities He has given.

Effort, however, is clearly within our control. I can choose to apply myself or not. God rewards for effort. Now that gives me pause. How much effort am I giving to God’s kingdom advancement? This is where the Holy Spirit wants me wrestle and think and pray.  How about you?

Lord, help me to give you A+ effort… Amen.


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