Friday, April 8: 2Chronicles 36- The End

All the sin, all the rebellion, all the turning from God and running after other gods, all the unfaithfulness… culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the of God’s people to Babylon.

Consequences, sin has consequences. Some consequences are immediate, some come later, others at/after death but all sin is judged. The seeds of this chapter’s judgments were planted back when Solomon first strayed from the Lord. And by the time of this chapter, even the priests are faithless; Furthermore, all the leaders of the priests and the people became more and more unfaithful, following all the detestable practices of the nations and defiling the temple of the LORD, which he had consecrated in Jerusalem (14).

Sin, the text reminds me, has consequences!

O, God, forgive me for taking sin lightly and for taking grace lightly. O, God, give me a clearer understanding of Your absolute holiness and my utter sin-filledness. Show me the disparity between You and me so that I might fall on my face in adoration and love before You. Praise be Your Holy Name/ Praise be salvation in Your name… Amen.


PS.  I noticed that even in telling the story of the devastation and destruction of Jerusalem, God slipped in a word of redemption. The last two verses speak of Israel’s return from exile and of God’s faithfulness to His covenant even when the people were unfaithful…

I am reminded that Chronicles was written during/after the return, as a summary for the people of God’s story and promises.   I am also reminded that though God will judge all sin, Jesus came to redeem us from our sin and bring us into the joy of a relationship with God that we could never have discovered on our own…


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