Monday, April 18: Romans 8- Too much truth.

There is simply too much wonderful truth in this chapter to absorb in one reading. This chapter overflows with one-liners and life-giving words from God. I could have paused after almost every verse to meditate on the wonder of life in Jesus.

The verse that seemed to resonate a little brighter than the others for me this morning was verse 15, a magnificent verse of heritage… For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."

When by faith we confess Jesus as Lord, God plants the Holy Spirit with in us as the guarantor of our inheritance (Eph 1:14). Paul magnifies that truth reminding us that the Spirit not only guarantees our inheritance, He also executes an adoption whereby we become God’s child, God’s son. The importance of our ‘sonship’ was that in the culture of the day sons received the family name, inheritance, prestige and honor. We are adopted into God’s family and we are given His name with all the rights and privileges thereof.

Among our privileges, we can now call God, ‘Abba’ which means Father, Daddy…

Father, Daddy, O how my heart wells with warmth at the thought that You are my Father. That I can come to You at any time and You, my heavenly Daddy, will embrace me and love me and that You have gladly given me Your name… I am overwhelmed by all You have given me in Jesus… Thank You and bless You… Amen.


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