Monday, September 5: Isaiah 10- Absolutely and Perfectly Sovereign.

God is angry with His people Israel so He will bring judgment upon them through another nation, Assyria. Then after Assyria has served as a tool in God’s hands, God will bring judgment upon Assyria of which He will say, I will punish the king of Assyria for the willful pride of his heart and the haughty look in his eyes (12).

Assyria neither served nor acknowledged Israel’s God –the God of creation. In fact Assyria served and followed pagan gods, yet the Lord controlled Assyria’s future even as He controlled Israel’s, even as He controls ours and the world of today.

As I read this chapter I am struck, once again, by the Lord’s absolute sovereignty over the world and all who are in it. The God of creation is not some distant, out of touch God who, like a watchmaker, makes a watch only to let it run the remainder of its life on its own.

No, the God of the Bible, our God, is absolutely and perfectly sovereign. There is no other god that can compare with our God –the God of creation and the God of salvation in and through Jesus Christ. As I read the Bible, God, being absolutely and perfectly sovereign, is a given. It is a foundation of the entire revelation from the first words of Genesis to the final page of Revelation.

Question is do I believe this? And even deeper will I submit to, serve and follow this God or will I serve some other?

How have you answered this question?  What proof is there in your life to validate your answer? Think about this…

Lord God, my prayer is simply this… I believe in YOU and I believe YOU. Here am I, send me and use me for Your bidding, whatever that may be. Through Jesus, my Lord, I pray. Amen.


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