Tuesday, September 6: Isaiah 11- Musing on Jesus

I found myself reading and rereading the first nine verses… the stump of Jesse sending forth a shoot. This is a grand prophecy about Jesus and I mused on the riches of the many word pictures in these verses.

How “the spirit of the Lord” would rest on Him. I replayed many of His miracles and Gospel accounts.

The Apostles Creed instructs that ‘He will come again to judge the living and the dead.’ I thought about His judgments how they will stem from righteousness…

I wondered about the life to come, the re-establishment of the harmony of Eden. The lion and lamb together, even the cobra and viper are tamed.  There is no more evil, only the wondrous harmony of God’s perfect world.

All of this rests on the shoulder of Jesus, the shoot that emerges from the stump of Jesse.

Oh, the wonder of a relationship with Almighty God through Jesus Christ, the Lord…

Alleluia, my heart sings. Jesus lives and reigns. Jesus is the Answer and the Victor. O, my Lord Jesus, I bless You, I bless Your name. I thank You for saving me and for allowing me the honor and delight of knowing and serving You. Amen.


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