Wednesday, September 21: Isaiah 24- Sovereign over all that is.

Not only is God- the God of the Scriptures -sovereign over all nations, God is sovereign over everything, all spiritual realms, over heaven and earth, all that is! Check out verse 21: In that day the LORD will punish the powers in the heavens above and the kings on the earth below.

Reading this, I wonder what in the world possesses me to disobey, to ignore and to disregard Almighty God. I mean really? I might disobey the speed limit thinking I can get a way with it, police can’t be everywhere.

I might ignore my body’s need for 8 hours of healthy sleep, yeah, I’m generally a bit tired.

I might disregard some people and the things they say, generally not a big deal.

But God Almighty, the one who plots the course of history, who judges men and women and nations and HEAVEN? Am I nuts?

Would I disobey the speed limit if every offender is caught? Would I ignore the body’s need for sleep if it shut down without sufficient ‘recharge’? Would I disregard that someone if he/she were my boss and would fire me for it?

Thinking about the absolute sovereignty of God and my propensity to go against Him shows me the depth and pervasiveness of sin in my life…

O, God, forgive me. I am a man of unclean lips, unclean thoughts, unclean actions and motivations.  Cleanse me that I might not be banished from Your presence but be able to live in harmony and relationship with You. I dare to ask this through Jesus Christ my Savior and Lord. Amen.


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