So what would you do, how would you live if God healed you from a terminal illness in dramatic fashion? That’s the situation for Hezekiah as we enter this chapter.
It took me a while to begin to get a sense of this chapter and why God was so unhappy with Hezekiah’s actions. I saw a few things when I read it moments ago that helped me complete the picture and grow in understanding this text.
Think of it this way. You are a person of stature and you are healed in a dramatic way.
OK, pretend you are a king or president. Other world leaders send envoys to extend greetings and well-wishes. Envoys from a rival and pagan country arrive and you greet them and then take them on a tour of all your fame and riches. You take out all the state treasures, showing the visitors how wonderful you are…
OK, pretend you are a big time CEO, Gates or Jobs or Murdock or … you get the idea. Other industry magnets stop by and during their visit you flaunt all your possessions and the things you have acquired because of your fame and fortune…
Once more you are a famous author or academic. When visitors come to wish you well in your new found health, you take them to your library and show off all you have written. You show them all your awards and degrees and honors and…
See this is how Hezekiah acted. What I noticed today, as I read, was Hezekiah’s emphasis on self. Check out what I noticed in the text I have bolded and underlined.
Hezekiah received the envoys gladly and showed them what was in his storehouses--the silver, the gold, the spices, the fine oil, his entire armory and everything found among his treasures. There was nothing in his palace or in all his kingdom that Hezekiah did not show them.
When queried by Isaiah about what the visitors where shown, Hezekiah replied, "They saw everything in my palace," Hezekiah said. "There is nothing among my treasures that I did not show them" (2,4).
Hezekiah gushed with self and all his accomplishments and treasures…
Now mix in the faith piece. Hezekiah had the perfect opportunity, served to him on a golden platter, to talk about what the Lord had done for him. However, he avoids God’s gracious healing and instead he magnifies himself… Here is the problem.
And if you aren’t convinced, check out the end. When told of judgment to come on
In effect Hezekiah says… do what You want God, be as harsh as You need to be when You judge them, I’m just glad everything is going to be ‘hunky-dory’ for me in my life time!
Hezekiah has become absorbed with self…
The questions come to me… “Bill, are you absorbed with Me (the Lord God) or are you absorbed with yourself?”
Think about it…
O, God, it is so easy to become sucked into self, to make myself lord of my life, to slide You to the back burner or even off the stove. Please, please, please forgive me for each and every time I do this or even begin to do this. And, Lord, please show me in ways I will grasp that I am acting selfishly, so that by Your Spirit and strength I can repent and change my ways. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
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