Immediately on the heels of yesterday’s chapter about the return of Jesus and the call to live ready comes Jesus’ story about the 10 virgins. It was his set up that attracted my attention. At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. … The bridegroom was a long time in coming… (1, 5).
The bride groom was a long time in coming. Just in case his disciples (including me) thought that Jesus’ call to live ready would last only for a short time, Jesus sets the record straight. The bridegroom, Jesus, will be a long time in coming. Our call to obedient living and faithfulness to the master’s general and personal call will last a long time.
The Christian life is not a sprint, a burst out of the blocks give it 100% for a few seconds or minutes and then fall across the finish line. No, it is a marathon that will at times seem endless and will have its fill of ‘heart break’ hills.
Jesus’ call is to live ready and to keep at it until he returns and we have to be prepared for His return to be a long time in coming.
Sometimes I grow weary, it would be so much ‘easier’ to give up faithfulness and live like everyone else. Shave corners here, cheat there. Who among us wouldn’t like an immediate 10% boost in household spendable cash? I mean all I have to do is stop tithing…
When I have these pity-parties, this is a good chapter to read. Keep at it, I hear the Lord say, I may be a long time in coming but my reward will be worth it when I do come if you keep on living ready. Just read the next Jesus story about the 3 servants…!
Jesus, thank You for this Word. I am sorry that I sometimes get in these funks. I am spurred on by Your Word to take a deep breath and get back out there, living ready, living for You until the day you do return and take me along with all believers home to Your eternal kingdom.
Blessed be Your name. Amen and amen!
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