Thursday, December 8: Matthew 12- We want a sign.

The last few chapters have been a parade of miracles and the parade continues in this morning’s reading. A bullet-point synopsis of chapter 12 shows Jesus healing a man with a shriveled hand (13). Word spreads, people seek him out and he healed all their sick (15). Next, He heals a demon possessed man who is blind and mute (22). After this, and remember He has been performing healings and the like for a number of chapters, Matthew recounts a head-scratching incident.

Verse 38: Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, "Teacher, we want to see a miraculous sign from you." WHAT!?!

Pharisees have been tracking Him and have determined to kill Him because of what He is doing, particularly healings on the Sabbath (14). People are flocking to Him so that they can hear Him teach and have friends and relatives healed (15). And yet some Pharisees and teachers wanted to see a miraculous sign.Hadn’t they seen enough? What more did Jesus need to do to convince them He was who He said He was???

This started me thinking.  Some people are never satisfied; they always need ‘one more’ proof before they can believe. How sad because many never do believe. It is as if they cannot ‘see’ what is right before them.

My hunch is that most who read this already believe in Jesus. If that is you, then pray for friends and family who don’t yet believe. Maybe your intercession on their behalf will unlock their ‘blindness.’

And if you are a reader who does not yet believe in Jesus, what is holding you back? Why not take that step of faith today…

Lord, I am reminded of a father who in Mark 9 asked Jesus if He could help his son. When queried about his “if” the father said, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (9:24).

Lord, I pray for those stuck in unbelief today… help them with their unbelief and lead them across the line of faith to believe in Jesus. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.



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