I’ve been walking with Jesus for 30+ years and as I review my life, I see areas where I have grown and transformed significantly. I see other areas that have more of an ‘up and down record’ and then some places where I still have not gained victory. I get frustrated with myself, sometimes, for failing again and again.
Reading the story of the feeding of the 4000, I started to think, “Those dullards, just one page before Jesus feeds 5000! Don’t they get it? Where’s their faith?” Yet even as these reactions were starting, I flipped to myself and realized I’m no better. I stumble and fall. I don’t get it the first time. I am slow to learn who Jesus is, too!
Realizing this is not a license to fail, to give up, or to be slow to learn. Instead, Jesus gave us a gift. He knows we are human and that we don’t often learn things the first time around so he served His disciples a second lesson. He does this for me, too, serving me a second and third and … lesson until I learn what He is teaching. Thank You, Jesus.
Spend a few moments reviewing your life. Where has/is Jesus being patient with you in your growth? Thank Him for His patience and resolve yourself to deep dedication to grow and be transformed.
Jesus, thank You for never giving up on me, for offering me truth and opportunities to grow over and over again. Also, for being patient with me.
Forgive me for faith negligence; for not giving my following of You my all. I ask for courage and determination to follow through on the areas of growth You show me. I pray for dedication to Your cause and a transformed heart. I sit with Your Word as a practice that Your Word might wash me clean and transform my life as the Holy Spirit applies it to my life and cleanse me with it.
I pray this prayer with deep gratitude for the One who will never let me go. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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