Some times it is the oddest or smallest details that set my mind into meditation mode. I had two such moments as I read today.
First, God gave every opportunity to repent and return. Verses 2-3 "Take a scroll and write on it all the words I have spoken to you concerning
My starting point for contemplation… “Am I listening to the voice of God, especially His invitation to repent and return after I have strayed? Am I…???”
My second mediation point was the concept of personal responsibility and sovereign action. Jeremiah dictates the scroll of God’s Words and sends His scribe Baruch to read them to the religious officials. Upon hearing the words and realizing that they must give them to the king, the officials said to Baruch, "You and Jeremiah, go and hide. Don't let anyone know where you are (19). Then a few verses later when the king commanded his son to arrest Baruch and Jeremiah, the text simply says, But the LORD had hidden them (26).
People race to extremes when it comes to these issues. Some say God is sovereign, therefore He will do what He will do, so I really don’t have to worry or don’t have to do anything. Others cut God out of the equation and rest everything on human ingenuity. In the text I see the tension of these two positions, not explained per se, but described.
Baruch and Jeremiah took the initiative to hide. They knew the king would be upset and prepared for his response by hiding. And when the king goes to find them, the text simply says, LORD had hidden them.
Baruch and Jeremiah did the humanly responsible thing and hid… personal responsibility. God ensured that they were not found… sovereignty.
Scripture presents both… not either/or but both.
How does this play out in life? Well, I need to be responsible and then trust God in my endeavors. Contemplating this… there are so many arenas of application… personal finances, health, ministry endeavors.
I believe God has called me to ministry in
Think about it …
Lord, thank you for these two ‘life-touches’ this morning in Your Word. You are constantly inviting people to come home. Oh, that they listen better than
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