Wednesday, February 22: Jeremiah 49- The sweeping hand of God.

When my family and I play a board game like Risk, we end up with many pieces spread over the game board. When the game is over and it is time to clean up, someone swipes their hand across the board and gathers all the playing pieces.

Reading this chapter was like watching God sweep the ‘Middle Eastern Board’ of all its pieces. Ammom, Edom, Damascus, Kadar, Hazor and Elam… wiped away in one fell swoop. God is cleaning up.

I sat and thought about that. Who can do this? Who has the right and power to do this? Obviously, the Lord God has to right and power to do this.

I sat in awe.

So much of my understanding of God stems from Jesus making the Father known. So much of my understanding of God grows from the intimacy of relationship that Jesus taught about and through a faith in Jesus we can experience…

Yet today, I see the majesty and the absolute power of God displayed as He sends judgment and alters the landscape of the ancient Middle East.

My heart shudders.  This God who invites me into an intimate relationship displays absolute authority and power that makes me realize how GREAT He is and how puny I am. I tremble at the thought of the Lord…

Who am I to differ with the Lord and His decrees? Who am I to disobey Him? The Lord is awesome and powerful.  Who can stand before Him?

I bow to you Lord God. I lay my arrogance at Your feet. I worship You and praise You for You are All-mighty and All-powerful. You are the one and only God and You have revealed Yourself to me. I am dumb struck!

Praise be to Yo,u Lord God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


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