Friday, March 23: John 18- the Garden of Gethsemane .

As I come to the passion of Jesus, a story very familiar to me since I have read it at least four times a year for 30+ years, I intentionally keep my eyes open for a surprise… something new I might not have paid attention to before. This morning God gave me a surprise.

John opens the account like this:

When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was an olive grove, and he and his disciples went into it. Now Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples (1-2). It was the last eight words, which I bolded, that caught my attention.

The other Gospels tell us that Jesus was going there to pray. John says Jesus often met His disciples there… to pray, I wondered? That feels right.

It seems that the Garden of Gethsemane was one of those places Jesus regularly went to, to be in prayer.

A question popped into my thoughts. Do you have a regular place to go to meet with the Lord? Do you have a quiet place, a meeting place, a regular place to meet God?

Over the years I have had a number of places. Right now it is a stool at my kitchen counter. I sit there most mornings with Bible open before anyone else in my house is up. It is familiar. Sometimes just placing myself in that location quiets my soul so I can begin to hear the Lord more clearly…

For years a quiet place was my grandparents Morris chair which I keep in my office. The chair was reserved for reading and prayer. I never sat in it when I counseled or consulted with others. It was reserved for my times with the Lord.

I have friends who go into our church sanctuary early in the morning before people come to the church. It is their special place of meeting with God. I have another friend who often goes to a small chapel not far from his home. It is one of his quiet places where he regularly meets the Lord.

Do you have a quiet place where you regularly meet with God? If not, consider finding one…

Lord God, thank You for the quiet places I have had over the years, places of sanctuary, places of calm, places where I regularly met with You. Thank You for the stability these places have provided me. Thank You for the strength and solace I have found from You in these places. Thank You, Lord, for my ‘Gardens of Gethsemane.’ I treasure the hours I have spent there with You. Even now as I pray, I feel the peace that I often find when I meet You in my special place.

To You be the honor and the glory and the praise, Oh Lord, my God –Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


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