Monday, March 26: John 20- Time to believe.

John tells us directly why he wrote his Gospel. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name (20:31). From his opening words until now, John has been working to convince readers to put their faith in Jesus.

As we have traveled with Jesus via John’s pen, we have watched and listened as Christ followers grew in their ability to believe. Belief may be an instant moment for some, but for many, belief takes time.

Even in today’s chapter we see belief grow over time. Mary showed up at the tomb, distressed. Her vision of the angels and of Jesus, whom she didn’t recognize, seemed to cause her more confusion. Yet by the time she made it to the disciples, she was convinced, “I have seen the Lord!” (18).

Thomas is another example. Though not present when Jesus first came to the disciples he refused to believe unless he personally saw and touched Jesus. He was not about to take the other disciples at their word, even though he basically lived with them for three years (!). NO, Thomas had to see for himself. Despite all their attempts to convince Thomas during the week, he couldn’t cross the line of belief. But he did make sure he was with them when they gathered that next weekend. Only after Jesus showed himself to Thomas did he believe.

Thomas needed time and proof…

We all have our own recipe of time and proof necessary to believe. If you have not yet put your faith and belief in Jesus, what do you still need to cross the line of belief?

Will you, like Thomas, put yourself in a place where you will receive what you need to believe?

These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

O Lord, show me how to help people believe. Show me, Lord, how I can help people cross the line of belief so that they can have life, in Jesus’ name. Amen. 


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