Tuesday, March 27: John 21- In the midst of life.

I found it intriguing that seven of the disciples were hanging out together and fishing. Whether they were friends, prior to their years with Jesus, we cannot determine since we don’t even know who all seven were. But surely after three years, friendships grew.

What I also find interesting is that they are not in Jerusalem, but somewhere on the Sea of Galilee. Apparently after the resurrection they returned to the familiar territory of where they lived before Jesus entered their lives. Fishing was natural way for Simon and the sons of Zebedee to get food.

In the company of friends, doing what they normally do, Jesus shows up and redirects their lives.

Jesus entering normal life, redirecting, changing, calling… a thought worthy of meditation.

Long ago, as a grad student working on my thesis, Jesus knocked on my heart and placed within me the idea of seminary. My life trajectory changed.

Is some kind of radical life call the only way Jesus enters life and redirects, changes and calls? I think not.

What started with two women sitting next to each other in worship has blossomed into a mentoring relationship with the older wiser mom, helping the younger single mom deal with a special needs child. Hmmm… Jesus entering normal life, redirecting, changing, calling…

The other day a voice message beeped on my home phone when I walked in. A long tough day, I was tired and didn’t really want to check the call. The voice leaving the message began with a bubbly, “I wanted to call and cheer you up and tell you Jesus loves you…” No request, no needs, simply an encouraging phone message from a special woman in my church who has this knack of calling people just to sprinkle joy and love. Well, her voicemail did just that. Through her voice, Jesus entered my life, encouraging me. I was blessed that in the midst of her day she had the nudge to call and leave that message, and that she did it.

My final thought on my meditative journey today is this, “Do I leave room in my life for Jesus to show up and redirect me? Do you?”

Oh Lord, break into the routine of my life today… give me an assignment, a calling, to touch someone’s life with Your love. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


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