Jesus is the perfect mediator. He fulfilled the requirements of the law perfectly. As I read Hebrews it is like gazing at an art masterpiece. The longer I gaze the more detail I see and the fuller and richer my appreciation of the masterpiece becomes. Jesus is the masterpiece the book of Hebrews is painting for me.
Verse 14 caught my attention: How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! The perfect sacrifice of Jesus clears the way so we can serve God.
Too often I look simply for my benefits from salvation… peace with God, eternal life, and so forth… things that benefit me. Verse 14 instructs me that I have been saved to serve. “So that” is a verbal connector suggesting that the first item leads directly to the second. I am cleansed from my sin so that I can serve God. Service of God is to be my end result, is to be what I do now that I am cleansed. Cars are built to transport people and goods. Bridges are built so that people and commerce can travel easily and quickly from one side of a river to the other. I am cleansed so that I can serve God.
The nudge of the Spirit comes, “Bill, examine your life. Are you honestly oriented to serve Me?”
Lord, as I go through my day, help me to be cognizant of You and the things You might have me do -a word to speak, a deed to do, a prayer to pray- those activities that serve You and Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
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