Tuesday, April 17: Ezekiel 5 - Living witnesses.

In verse five, God painted a telling picture for His people Israel. This is what the Sovereign LORD says: This is Jerusalem, which I have set in the center of the nations, with countries all around her. Historically, this is very true. Israel and its capital, Jerusalem, was the center of the Middle East. You might not notice this if you look at a map, but understanding the topography and travel routes, it is accurate.

From Egypt to Assyria/Babylon, Israel was the center because to travel from one to the other you traveled through Israel! Israel and Jerusalem were prime real estate. It was as if they were situated along a key stretch of commercial highway. People from East, West and North traveled regularly through their land!

Israel was in the perfect position to ‘witness’ to their God simply by living faithfully.

I thought about our churches. Most of us are part of churches that are viewed by people of our communities regularly. What do they see in us? What do they hear from us? Are we faithful witnesses to Jesus? Would our lives, as we live them, attract people to consider Jesus?

Israel and Jerusalem sadly were not faithful. God’s Word through Ezekiel continues, Yet in her wickedness she has rebelled against my laws and decrees … (6a)

Lord, I pray that it is not so of us, Your Church of the 21st century. But Lord, I am fearful that we are drifting ever faster from Your Word.

Lord, I may not be able to impact or alter the drift of others, besides being a watchman like You mentioned in chapter three, but I can attend to my faithfulness. I can continue to hold myself to the plumb line of Your Word, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments.

Lord, I pray that by the instruction of Your Holy Spirit, I will grow to know and obey more and more thoroughly Your Word. And that my witness to You will grow correspondingly more and more clear to those who observe my living. Through Jesus, my Lord, I pray. Amen.


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