The message of this chapter is obvious… faith! Faith in God, faith in His Word and Commands. Faith that declares itself by action not mere mental ascent.
I recently read Stephen Hawking’s book, The Grand Design. Honestly there were parts of the book that where beyond me. For a ‘layman’s’ book, the physics ran deep at times. As I read it, it seemed quite obvious that Hawking was searching for an answer to the universe’s existence that did not need God in the equation. Without belittling faith in a creator, Hawking seemed to say that belief in a creator was a lesser intellectual position. Hawking’s final conclusion, which does not need a god to explain the origins of life, is supported heavily on a unifying physical principle called “M Theory”, a theory scientists do not yet even have.
Throughout the read, I kept feeling that having faith in a creator-God subtly attacked. Then this morning the text professes, By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible (3). It hit me plain as day, belief in a God the creator will always take faith. Yes, my faith is reasoned and I believe in places at least it is supported by current science. However, in other places current science or at least aspects of it (i.e. Hawking’s) undermine faith. Be that as it may, belief in the Creator-God will always be built on faith. And I choose to say ‘yes’ to God as Creator!
Lord, in the world of ideas and concepts, be it science or law or behavior, help me to hold on to faith… faith in You and faith in Your Word. Lord, when my life comes to its earthly end, I want to be commended like the men and women in this chapter and that Lord I know is built on FAITH and faith in You alone. Amen.
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