Friday, August 10: Titus 2 - Sound doctrine.

The chapter opens with this sentence. You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine (1). Generally when I read the word ‘doctrine,’ I think of truths and propositions, those things Christian’s believe, like Jesus died on the cross or Jesus’ virgin birth and the like.

What fascinates me in this chapter is the explanation of ‘sound doctrine’ that Paul directs Titus to teach. I won’t print the verses of the rest of the chapter but go back and read the ‘sound doctrine’ that Paul speaks of.

Every example, Paul uses refers to behaviors, lifestyle and actions which is different than the mental ascent beliefs I anticipate reading the word ‘doctrine.’

Doctrine is a word used often in the pastoral letters of Timothy and Titus. This chapter is causing me to think deeply about life and living and my ‘doctrine.’

What is becoming clear to me is that how I live is a direct result of what I truly believe. And how I live is probably a better indicator of what I believe than simply stating the “things I believe.”

The not-so-subtle whisper of God… “Bill, take a good look at how you are living. Are you temperate and self-controlled (2)? Does my mouth offer a soundness of speech that cannot be condemned (8)? Am I honest and trustworthy at work (10)? And so on…”

How about you?

These are the ‘sound doctrines’ that Titus was to teach. Think about it…

Lord, Your Word gives me pause to look at my life and particularly my manner of living. What I see isn’t always honoring of You. Forgive me and strengthen me that I might live in a manner that pleases and honors You above all things. Amen.



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