Slavery & work-ethic; money & chasing after money; personal living; and finally a word to the rich; these are the topics of today’s chapter. Anyone of these could easily speak into my life. I sat wondering where the Lord would take me. I did not have a strong draw to any particular topic as I read through the first time. Maybe you do, if so, go back and ponder where God prompts.
I scanned the chapter again, more quickly a second time. Verse 11 and the opening of 20 caught my attention. But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness (11). Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care… (20).
Paul was not only coaching Timothy on how to lead the church under his care, Paul was teaching Timothy about life and living. But you, man of God, flee from all this… Timothy, guard…. Timothy was to guard his own life and to flee from all those things that were causing problems in his community.
God’s instructions are first and foremost for us and then for us to pass along.
Timothy was to be a living example of following God. God’s Word is not given so that we can have knowledge or information per se. God’s Word is given to us so that we can take it to heart and into our lives and live according to it.
So I needed to ask myself, am I fleeing the ‘God-dishonoring’ aspects of my culture? Am I guarding my heart and the truth of God’s ways in my life?
Are you? Think about it.
Oh, Lord, give me strength and your Holy Spirit in fullness that I might orient my life to Your will and way… fleeing what is not of You and what does not ultimately lead me closer to You. Also guard my heart and the truth You have placed in my life through the promised Holy Spirit.
Lord, I cannot do this on my own.I can only move closer to You when I align my will to Yours and seek Your help and strength to overcome the still carnal portions of my life.
This I pray. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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