For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance… (8-9).
Maintaining physical health through training and regular exercise adds value to our life. Bodies are healthier and minds are sharper. It is a good thing to do this side of eternity. But applying the same discipline to our godly living has value on this side of eternity and throughout eternity!
It sounds so simple, so I spent my time with Jesus thinking about what godliness looks like and what training for godliness might be. Here are a few thoughts.
Godliness is both an inner attitude and the manner of life that flows from it. What others see is the manner of life, what I often have to work on is the attitude that produces the manner of life. So what are the things that lead and direct me to life as God would have me live?
ü Being in the Word daily so that my mind is filled with God’s thoughts not merely my thoughts.
ü Prayer informed by the Word… learning to pray as we see displayed in God’s Word. Left to myself, my prayer is often highly self-centered. Yet what I see in scripture is prayers that challenge my selfish prayer life.
ü Developing the discipline to say ‘no’ willingly to things that harm my walk with God or open me up to unhelpful or ungodly attitudes, thoughts or desires.
There is nothing particularly new here but it is good to be reminded why these habits are good and help develop godliness…
Lord, it is one thing to think about these things, it is another to live them. Help me live them. And, Lord, if one is more appropriate to my life at this time than others, I believe it is learning to pray more selflessly. Help me, Jesus. Amen.
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