Tuesday, October 16: Acts 15 - Trouble in the house.

The phrase I used for today’s title kept tumbling in my thoughts from the moment I opened and saw the chapter, until I finished reading the chapter.

Trouble in the house…

It is tempting to idolize the early church, to think of it as some perfect band of committed ‘Jesus Followers’ who performed miracles everywhere they went, who once they turned on to Jesus got it all right, and who were totally committed and never stumbled, erred or sinned.

One blessing of this chapter is that it should dispel these myths. The first believers were every bit as human and broken as we are. They had to rely on the Holy Spirit as much as we do and sometimes they got things wrong, just like we do.

Theology was anything but monolithic. People had differing thoughts and understandings and as a result, they said wrong and hurtful things to one another. But what they did do well was talk it though, wrestle with Scripture and then follow what Scripture and the Spirit told them.

Re-read the opening section… through much discussion (7) and agreement with the testimony of scripture (15) they came to their understanding and then put to rest that which was outside the bounds of scriptural teaching. 

Even noted individuals –pillars of the faith like Paul and Barnabas- had issues (36-41). Though the chapter leaves us with the two of them parting ways (with two missionary efforts as a result), it is important to understand that all parties, Paul, Barnabas and Mark, patch up their differences and work together sometime before the NT closes.

We are human, I thought, personal and theological problems will come.  How we handle them is the sign of the Spirit working with in us, I also thought.

The problem part comes naturally… the healing part only with the Spirit’s help…

Lord, help me to repair any problems my humanity has caused. Help me, Jesus, Help me, Spirit. Help me, Father… for Your glory,  I pray, Amen.


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