What a chapter, miracles galore! It opens with Paul’s miraculous conversion. Paul sees and hears Jesus and is converted. Now add to the conversion the blindness and healing from blindness. Wow! After Paul’s baptism and a bit more about Paul diving right into preaching, the scene switches to Peter and two miracles.
First a paralytic for 8 years Aeneas is healed and then in a nearby city of
What caught my attention is that each miracle virtually, immediately led to advancing the Gospel. Word spread about the miracles, testimonies were given and people were saved, check out verses 31, 35, 42.
I found myself thinking how miracles lead to proclamation, which leads to salvation, which equals Kingdom advancement!
Surely the healings were a delight to the recipient, but through Luke’s pen we are to understand that the healings/miracles play even a bigger role in the life of the church… they push the church forward. They give the church a bullhorn to trumpet Jesus!
Lord, to this day You continue to preform miracles through Your servants. May every miracle be a trumpet, declaring and broadcasting Your name so that many come to faith in You. Alleluia Amen.
Mans antichrist conscience banks religions n governments r judged by God. Important note to the world.