Tuesday, October 23: Acts 21 - Connections in Christ.

I found myself musing and marveling about Paul’s trip to Rome. In particular, how at every stop of the journey –and there were many by modern standards- Paul was met by and housed by believers. Was it Paul’s affable personality that gave him friends all across the Mediterranean? Was it that he was a famous Christian leader and his reputation preceded him? Was it the nature of people back in the first century to care for travelers? Was it the nature of the church back in the day to care for brother/sister travelers?

I don’t know the answer. Probably a bit of each and possibly other factors I didn’t think about.

Still it paints a picture of the first century Christian world that is quite different than ours. It also bring to mind the numerous admonitions to care for one another and the line in Hebrews 13:2 about caring for strangers because we might be entertaining angels.  Also, there were Paul’s comments in his letters about associates traveling and how the church should help them on their way.

As all this tumbles about in my thoughts, I am not sure what to make of it. And yet the picture of life that our reading paints is one of interconnection and help, which is quite different from the independent lives we live today.

How important relationships and connections were… are!!! Ah, another thought to ponder.

Lord, thank You, for the body and the church. Too often I think building or worship when I think of the world church. The lives of early believers and Your Word (1Corinthians 12, Romans 12) paint a much more vital interconnection being the church than I tend to experience. Lord, what should I do about this?

Lord, how can it better value Your church… my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ? Amen.



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