Friday, November 23: Zechariah 2- Many nations.

This chapter points to a day which is still to come when Many nations will be joined with the LORD in that day and will become my people. I will live among you and you will know that the LORD Almighty has sent me to you (11).

Many nations … will become my people. God’s grand scheme from the beginning* is for many nations, all peoples (Gen 12:3), all nations (Mt  28:19), the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8) and so on, will come to the Lord.

We sometimes think ‘the ends of the earth’ is a New Testament expansion of God’s plan, but no. It was God’s heart, intention and plan from the beginning.

I sat back and marveled at the wonder of this chapter. Then I began to ask myself (or was it God asking me?)….what was I doing to cooperate with God in expanding His name to all peoples and nations and the ends of the earth??

Is it simply enough to give some money to missions? Is it simply enough to be part of a church that gives 10-15-20% to mission near and around the world? What would God have me to do?  The two key words in this last sentence is ‘me do.’ This thought led me to prayer.

Oh Lord, show me what I can do… show me places I should go, show me people-groups I should pray for, show me missionaries I should support with prayer, finances, resources and anything else You desire. Show me, Lord, show me… Amen.


*The message of God’s grand scheme is so clear in this chapter, and yet I wondered if I would have noticed it had I not currently been taking a 15-week course titled ‘Perspectives on the World Christian Movement’. It is a powerful teaching. Consider checking it out at If there is a course near you, I highly recommend it.




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