If you have been reading with me for a while you know prophetic pictures like these are a struggle for me. It is hard for me to decipher both the intended meaning and a morning devotional meaning. Today proved true to form.
I read and re-read the chapter sitting under the weight of God’s Word.
The first vision speaks to the certainty of judgment of sin, which is where I landed devotionally. Thieves and liars will be banished. These are just 2 of the 10 Commandments. I wondered do they represent the whole of the 10 Commandments? In other words, anyone who breaks God’s law will be banished. Certainly seems plausible.
Hmmm, sin will be punished. My thoughts dove deep. I am so guilty. As the weight of this (my) situation settled on me, its weight began to lift. But wait, this is not the final word. There is forgiveness of sins for all who call out to the Lord, for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Acts 2:13 & Romans 10:13). And if we confess our sins,
Salvation and forgiveness… there is an answer for my (your) sin problem! Jesus.
I sat in silence for a moment, feeling the weight of my sin lift and gratitude in my heart grow. God did for me what I could never and would never have done for myself. Thanks be to God!
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty the King of creation. Oh my soul sings for He is my life and salvation. All you who hear now to the Lord drawer near. Praise Him with glad adoration.
Thank You, Lord. Thank You.
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