I love the conversation Abraham has with God at the end of the chapter, the many rounds of give and take, Abraham’s boldness to ask God these things. I long for the kind of relationship Abraham had with the Lord.
But what stuck to my ribs this morning was the picture of hospitality that emerges in the early verses of the chapter. Hospitality is a lost characteristic in my western 21st century life. I am, and people are, simply too busy for this kind of hospitality and the depth of relationship that comes with it.
Although the scene takes only a few moments to read, it describes the greater part of an afternoon. Abraham initiates the hospitality by rushing out to speak with and offer water and a cool spot to rest during the heat of the day to the three travelers. When they accept, he has his wife bake bread… no simple task when you start with flour and cook over an open fire. Then Abraham rushes to the field and chooses a choice animal and has his servant butcher and cook it. I have never done this but it certainly isn’t a microwave meal. Like I said, it was an afternoon affair. All the while Abraham sat and talked with them… CONNECTION and RELATIONSHIP!
Little wonder how Abraham had the ‘chutzpah’ to have the ‘give and take’ with the Lord about
Hospitality of this depth requires time but it also offers the opportunity to truly get to know one another. I know I have lost this grace but I am wondering what I can do to find it?
Lord, open my heart to this kind of hospitality, the kind that will spend time with others building bridges of connection, friendship and, yes, even love. Through Jesus’, who came and lived among us awhile so He could know what it is to walk in our shoes, name. Amen.
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