Wednesday, January 23: Genesis 20- What kind of a person am I?.

What kind of people were kings back then? Did they have absolute control and power over everything and everyone? I’m thinking about the situation. Abraham is almost 100 and Sarah 90 (the next story told is the birth of Isaac, and God has already promised Abraham a son within the year Gen 18:10). and is pregnant and Abimelech is taking her into his house to be his wife. What kind of world is this? I just cannot fathom the scene.

Were people that powerful, overbearing, even sexualized, that men in power saw a new woman and wanted to have her? My head is spinning…

Slowly God spins my head back around and asks me some questions, “Bill, what kind of life are you broadcasting to others?  Bill, where are your blind spots and moral failings?” Introspection comes slowly.I remain puzzled by life in Abraham’s day. It is easier to ponder the days of Abraham than I force myself to consider my life. And yet, it is only when I deal with my life that I will grow in following Jesus…

Lord, I lay my life bare before You. Show me my faults, ills, and sins, and lead me to deeper places with You. I pray in Jesus’ name and for the sake of Your kingdom. Amen.


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