Thursday, October 3: 2Corinthians 6- A look within.

As God's fellow workers we urge you not to receive God's grace in vain…. I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation (1,2b).

How can we receive God’s grace in vain? Why would Paul be urging ‘God’s fellow workers’ that now is the day of salvation?

Paul seems concerned that the Corinthians are slipping back into their former way of life… not living for the Lord but rather living for the world. The next paragraphs bear this out, particularly the second paragraph where Paul instructs the Corinthians not to be yoked with unbelievers.

Paul’s message- we enter salvation now, which means a new way of living, God’s way of living. Why continue to dabble in or court the former way of life???

The Spirit turns the table and begins to have me probe my life, to recognize places in my life where I am still dabbling in or courting my former way, the way of the world.

Self-examination never comes easily for me. And yet the Lord calls me (us) to it regularly. And although I often resist, it always turns out to be for my good in the end. I need to remind myself of this today, because in myself, I am not up for self-examination today. …

Lord, help me. Help me to put down my defenses and trust You. Help me to honestly look within and face what is there. Help me to stop playing games with myself, justifying myself and so continuing to leave unattended areas that need growth and maturation in my walk with You.

Lord, I break off areas where I may still be yoked to the world and ask You, Oh Holy Spirit, to yoke me to Jesus. I pray this in His name. Amen.


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