Friday, November 29 Deuteronomy 34- Ending well.

Verse 5: And Moses the servant of the LORD died…

Life has two great poles, birth and death. None of us will escape death. Even the greatest among us die.

This scene sparked many thoughts… the inevitability and simplicity of Moses death. Yes, Israel mourned for Moses 30-days, as was their custom, but beyond that there was no particular fanfare. They didn’t even memorialize his burial place. No gigantic monument or bronze plaque. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust; Moses was buried like anyone else.

There is something poetic in this picture. Moses, the humblest man on the earth, was buried in the most humble of ways. God was his reward, not the accolades of the people or the size of his tomb. What a contrast from the Pharaohs, whom he once served, buried in elaborate pyramids. Marvels of human architecture –absolutely!- but still tombs. And the tomb is never the measure of the man or woman. Never.

I traveled down another roadway of meditation set in motion by the description of Moses in verse 5. Moses the servant of the LORD… this is how he was known. Servant, slave of the Lord. I began wondering what people might say of me when my day comes. Moreover, I wondered if the character of my life will give honor to my Lord, as Moses’ did his Lord.

Frank Sinatra… “I did it my way”

Mohammad Ali… “The greatest”

What will people say of me? And will it honor my Savior and God?

As I wrote this, I realized that I am writing my epitaph every day of my life. If my life honors ME… then it will reflect ME. If my life honors my Lord every day… then my epitaph will honor God.

Moses earned his epitaph through 40 years of obscurity, shepherding flocks followed by 40 years of selfless service of Yahweh, shepherding God’s people. Hmmm, there is a word to you and me in this.

Lord, I choose to live for You today and all of my todays from this day until You choose to bring me home to You. May my life count for You. May any good I do give You honor and praise. May anything less than good I do reveal Your mercy and grace to a sinner such as I. I pray this through my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


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