Tuesday, November 12: Deuteronomy 19- Honorable, thought-filled justice.


Israel was to be a safe country to live in; a country and people of rules and laws, bound by integrity and thoughtfulness.

One of my mottos is that ‘Stuff happens…’ cars break down, accidents occur, things get broken, people die. The concept of the City of Refuge was to give a truly innocent person a place to flee to when stuff happens that could otherwise result in his/her death. The City of Refuge provided a safe place for a person to live while the events of what happened were sorted out in a thoughtful manner. If it turns out the person was innocent, then he/she gets to go free. If on the other hand evidence points to being guilty, due process and punishment were given.

Honorable, thought-filled justice.

The concept of two witnesses provide a similar level of honor to the process of assessing the facts of a situation. And the idea that a perjurer would receive the punishment that his intentional lies would have brought upon the accused speaks of this too.

Honorable, thought-filled justice.

It seems God established Israel to be a light among peoples. How they conducted their business spoke about the nature of their God.

I can’t help but think if Israel truly lived as God intended, people would have been drawn to them.  And witness to the Lord could have happened naturally, as the name of the Lord and the wonder of His presence increased around the world.

With these words God reminds me, if the Church acts as God intends, we will be a light pointing to the wonder of our God. And as Jesus says in Matthew 5:16 ‘people will see our good deeds (how we live) and praise our Father in heaven’.

Lord, may I live as You intend, giving my life away for the sake of You, Your kingdom and Your manner of life. Through Jesus. Amen.


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