Tuesday, November 19: Deuteronomy 25- Rules, rules and more rules.


Reading this chapter, I weary of all the rules. Some seem overly harsh, others seem understandable and fair. I imagine I would be equally weary reading the laws of my town or state.

Moses, by the prompting and guidance of the Spirit of God, is outlining the rules that will govern the nation of Israel; rules that will establish the code of living for the people of God.

God cares so much for His people that He is giving them rules and laws by which to live. Rules and laws that will create a society that works, guard people from oppression, and teaches right and wrong.

I may not understand the background and reason for each law. I might wonder about the severity of some, but one thing I cannot do is miss God’s love and intention in giving these laws.

God wants His people to live a new way, a fairer more loving way. God desires His people to live in such a way that others from surrounding countries will see their differences and the dignity of each person. They will then wonder who is this God that they serve?

Do I live in such a way that people who see and know me ask, “Who is the God I serve???”

Lord, be with me as I try, this day, to see my life and my living through the lens of others. What do they see in me? Better, who do they see in me?

Lord, do they see You in me?

I pray so… to Your glory and honor I live. Amen.


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