It seems people often tried to keep others away from Jesus. This may have been spurred on by good intentions or the thought that those ‘others’ didn’t deserve to see Jesus.
Early on in today’s chapter, the disciples tried to keep people from bringing their children to Jesus. Jesus rebuked them and opened His arms to the children. Towards the chapter’s end, a blind man named Bartimaeus tried to get Jesus’ attention but the text says [m]any rebuked him and told him to be quiet (48).
Neither the parents nor Bartimaeus were deterred by the voices and, more importantly, Jesus welcomed both.
This caused me to wonder if I try to block people from Jesus and if yes, who I try to block from Jesus. It is not a comfortable thought. I like to think that I am open minded and don’t carry many prejudices, but this is not as true as I would like it to be. We humans are comfortable with people like ourselves, but people who are different seem to cause discomfort within,
which brings me back to my question. Are there people, likely different than myself, whom I attempt to block from coming to Jesus?
Lord, forgive me. I am no better than the crowds and the disciples who tried to keep people away from Jesus.
Help me to open up my life to people who are different for Gospel sake. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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