Wednesday, December 11: 2Timothy 4- Being rescued by God, what does it really mean?.

My heart was attracted to verse 18. The body of the letter ends with these words, all that remains are the final greetings.

Verse 18 reads, The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Despite his dire circumstances, imprisoned in Rome, Paul remains perfectly confident in God and God’s care, protection and ultimate salvation.

If I am reading it correctly, there is a significant difference between Paul’s view and the modern western Christianity view. Protection or rescue in the dominant western Christian view means that God rescues us from the trial, pain or persecution. Paul sees God’s rescue as a guarantee that God will bring him safely into eternity. Paul’s understanding of rescue is not necessarily on the earthy plain or in his earthy situation. Paul’s understanding of rescue has to do with his ultimate salvation and the guarantee of making it to eternity with God.

This leads me to realize how tied I am to this life and my 60 or 90 years here on earth, where Paul lived his earthly life in light of heaven’s reality. God’s rescue may not mean an easy earthly life, but it certainly means salvation in the life to come.

I wonder if I am bound too tightly to my earthly comforts, to the easy life, life without real sacrifice for Jesus or persecution…

Do I spend too much time on me, mine, my life and my family and my ‘this and that’, missing the ‘give-a-way-my-life’ aspect of following Jesus?

My musings as I sit with my Lord this morning…

Lord, continue to work in me. Show me my faith deficiencies. Reveal where my life is still under the control of my carnal flesh. Sanctify me, cleanse me, mature me, show me Your way and ways that I might be effective in advancing Your kingdom for Your glory and honor. Amen.


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