Monday, February 24: Ruth 2- Faithful eyes see God at work.

A number of observations trickled through my thoughts. A good worker eventually gets noticed (7) was one thought. But what captivated my heart was God working in the shadows.

The Lord says He will never leave us or forsake us, but that doesn’t always mean we are aware of His presence in every moment.

Ruth set out to find food and to glean behind field workers. She could have ended up in any field. Instead, by the providence of God, she ends up working in the field of a close relative, who happens down to the field that day and notices her. He even takes a liking to her. When Ruth comes home with a full day’s amount of grain and tells Naomi about her day, Naomi sees God’s hand at work and exclaims, "The LORD bless him! He has not stopped showing his kindness to the living and the dead. That man is our close relative; he is one of our kinsman-redeemers" (20).

Yesterday Naomi saw God’s hand in the harsh realities of life. Today she sees the Lord’s kindness in the affairs of Ruth’s day.

Two thoughts emerge. 1) God is alive and well and often working in the background of life orchestrating His will. 2) The faith-filled person will see God’s hand at work and honor Him for what He does.

I spent some time replaying the events of my recent days, thanking the Lord for His providential care and love. I particularly paused at a few incidents in which my ‘faith-eyes’ saw God at work for His Will and with His Mercy.

Praise danced in my heart…

Praise to the Lord the Almighty the king of creation. O my soul sings for his help and salvation! All you who hear, now to his temple draw near and join me in glad adoration.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all creatures here below. Praise him above you heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.



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