Saturday, February 15: Judges 16- Stupidity & Grace.

Two words came to mind as I entered the final chapter about Sampson…stupidity and grace.

Stupidity, this seems to typify Sampson. He may have had great strength but he didn’t possess great strength of mind, especially when it came to the ladies. Mentally and emotionally he was pretty much a buffoon.

Note to self: We don’t need to be perfect, wise and wonderful to be used of God, but wisdom and integrity remains preferred by God (which is why books like Proverbs are included in the Scriptures).

God is never beyond showing grace. In what turns out to be Sampson’s final hour, God graces him with strength one last time. On a human level Sampson uses his strength to gain a measure of revenge for his eyes. On a national level, the leadership of Israel’s enemy is wiped out. In this last act of strength the people of Israel are freed from the Philistines. Thus, in this final act, grace is showed to both Sampson and Israel.

Note to self; Don’t presume on God’s Grace, but believe in it and live blessing and thanking God for it when it lavishly comes.

Lord, Sampson is an odd character. On the one side he is a judge of Israel, who led Israel for many years. For this he is remembered with enduring fondness. His great strength –a gift from you- reminds all Christ-followers that by Your Holy Spirit we can accomplish great and miraculous things when directed and empowered by Your Spirit.

And yet, at the same time, Sampson is honestly a jerk. A person I would never want a daughter to date. He disregards Your law and acts impulsively and foolishly. He is not someone to emulate. Lord, in spite of these huge flaws, You used him! Sampson is a perplexing character.

Lord, I pray for the spirit empowerment of Sampson, the heart of David (a heart after Your own heart) and the wisdom and faithfulness of Daniel. I pray for these Lord, that I might serve You well all the days of my life. Amen.


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