Tuesday, February 25: Ruth 3- Providential Care.


I don’t understand some of the customs, like sleeping at the man’s feet. But even not knowing some of the customs; it is clear that, again, God is at work. Ruth is certainly inviting Boaz to redeem her and Naomi offering herself in marriage. She does so discreetly, allowing Boaz an out should he not want to take it.

Tact and discretion are tremendous gifts to have and skills to hone. Some people just know how to raise an issue so that it gets a favorable hearing. Naomi and Ruth both appear to be endowed with tact.

Certainly, however, God is at work. The fact that Ruth happened into Boaz’s field and now is disposed to redeem Ruth, which would include continuing Naomi’s lineage, shows God is at work.

As I consider this chapter, I see the synergistic work of God and people. God was at work, but Ruth needed to fulfill her role faithfully as well, which she did with tact and grace.

I am reminded that my faithfulness is integral to God’s work in my life. God can always act sovereignly and by fiat as He wishes, but God generally chooses to work with us. And my part is to be faithful and to follow God’s lead.

This is why it is so important for us to remain open to the Lord, following His guidance and listening for His voice.

Lord, may I be open to You as I live my day today. Help me to listen and respond faithfully to You throughout the day and every day. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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