Bathsheba is one of the names many people know from the OT. David had an illicit one-night-stand and she became pregnant. To cover up the affair, David gives orders so that her husband is killed in battle. Ugh! This is a dark moment in David’s life.
Oh, the ways we try to wriggle out of trouble. Often our wriggling only creates more trouble!
David was a great man but like all of us, he had his flaws and he committed his sins. I don’t write this to excuse David. I note it because I recognize that I, too, have my flaws and I, too, commit my own sins.
Thanks be to Jesus that He has offered God payment for my sins… His death on the cross. This gift of Jesus is not ‘a get out of jail free card’ that I can play whenever I want, meaning I am free to sin whenever I want. Heavens, ‘NO’. But it is a gift that I can lean on when sin gets the upper hand in my life and I do sin!
Thank You, Jesus, for this indescribable gift… Amen.
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