Wednesday, June 11: 2Samuel 15- Trusting in God during dark days.

The great king of Israel, David, fleeing for his life. This is a sad episode in David’s life. One that grows directly out of his affair with Bathsheba and the consequences God sent upon David for that sin.

David’s faith in the Lord stood out as a warm light on a bad day. Verse 25: Then the king said to Zadok, “Take the ark of God back into the city. If I find favor in the LORD’s eyes, he will bring me back and let me see it and his dwelling place again. David understood that the Lord ruled the day and if God willed him to return to Jerusalem and kingship then he would.

Trusting in God during dark days, this is what David exemplifies in this chapter. Caught by surprise, running for his life, long time friends and family turning against him, and, yet, David trusts in the Lord.

God’s whisper into my soul… “Bill, trust Me. Trust in Me.”

When life is going well, I can be tempted to think, “Ah, it is my hard work, that’s why I am blessed.”

When I am experiencing a hard time, a bad time, I can be tempted to think, “God is mean or God has turned His back on me…”

In both situations, in every life situation, my response needs to be the same, I will trust in the Lord, come what may. My life is in His hands. Obedience, praise, worship and love should be my responses ALWAYS to the Lord…

Thank You for this reminder this morning, Lord. Thank You for David, who trusted You. Thank You for being faithful.

You are my Lord and early will I seek You. Praise be to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


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