After David sinned, God sent the prophet to David. In a surprise moment the prophet confronts David with his sin, “You are the man!...” (7). David comes clean, repents and God forgives him. BUT, and this as I see it is an important BUT, consequences of the sin still occur.
This I find is often the case. God forgives our sins, other people sometimes forgive our sins, but the earthly consequences of the sin still exist.
Felons who break the law are punished under the law. Their sins may have been forgiven but they have a debt to society that still must be reckoned. The thief on the cross repented of his sin and was granted paradise by Jesus, but he still died on the cross (Luke 23:43).
This incident reminds me that when I sin there are earthly consequences. Even though when I confess my sins to the Lord, He absolutely and lovingly forgives my sins and cleanses me from all unrighteousness (1John 1:9).
Think about this as you live your Saturday and as you prepare for worship tomorrow.
Lord, help me be responsible for the things I do that are wrong. Thank You for forgiving me but remind me that where or when possible, I need to own my wrong and face whatever consequences result from it. May I face my consequences with the character of Jesus…
In Your name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.
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