Friday, January 23: Romans 5- the only outcome of believing in Jesus a ticket to heaven when we die? .


The opening line of the chapter provided such life for my spirit that I returned to it after reading the entire chapter and spent my meditative time with it.

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (1).

Is the only outcome of believing in Jesus a ticket to heaven when we die? NO! That is one outcome but there are many others. Peace with God is one of those others. Consider Paul’s statement again: Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

As a Christ-follower, I have no fear in death. I know that God will receive me when my day comes, not because I am good but because Jesus has paid for my sins and His blood covers me. And when I slip up and sin, God’s Word reminds me that when I confess my sin, He is faithful and just to forgive my sin and purify me from all unrighteousness (1John 1:9).

I am not living life wondering if I will make it, looking over my shoulder to see if God will get me. Instead, I am free to connect with and see God in life and to speak with Him about it.

This morning I woke a few minutes before my alarm. As I lay there I spontaneously found myself thanking God for life… for my day to come. I spoke with God about my kids, asking His blessing to be with them and that He reveal Himself to them today. I touched on other subjects as they came to mind.  It was delightful!  All of that occurred because I have peace with God and peace with God means that my relationship with God is unhindered. I can go to Him whenever I need or want without any fear of reprisal or negative response.

Peace with God brings great joy to my life right now… a tremendous gift of justification this side of eternity.

Do you have peace with God???

Father, Jesus, Spirit, may I be of service to You today. Show me and lead me to whatever You would have me to do. Praise be to You, my God. Amen.


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