In the sweeping account of this chapter, Jesus is flogged, crucified and buried! The one who taught and performed kindly miracles, dies an ignominious death, a criminal’s death. If Jesus’ story ended here, it would be little more than an imposter’s tale. But I know there is more to come, and yet today, I am left to ponder Jesus’ death and burial.
The end is not always the finale.
Many a battle is lost but the war is eventually won.
Many children and adults stray from faith but eventually return.
Jim Elliot and his companions lay dead on the beach speared to death by the Ecuadorian tribe with whom they hoped to share the Gospel. However, his death sparked a mission-movement that propelled the Gospel around the world. What’s more his wife and others returned and by the grace of God shared the Gospel with the same people who murdered her husband. This time faith in Jesus blossomed.
The end that we see is not always God’s finale.
No matter how dark it may seem, keep trusting in the Lord. This is what I am hearing this morning. God is at work. It might not be obvious but God’s plan is being worked out and God will see His will completed.
Jesus lay dead in a tomb. Evil appears to have won but the finale has yet to be played out. Hold on, God is still at work...
Jesus, Father, Holy Spirit, I hold on to You. Much in this world seems to be racing head long away from You and Your values. And yet I know what I am seeing is not the finale. Jesus will return and You will make all things new. Until that day, I live by faith, believing, trusting, working, praying for Your Will to be done in my life and in Your world. Amen and Amen.
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