Tens of millions of men and women have served in the
The same can be said for the Christian faith. All told there have been about 70 million Christians martyred for their faith since Stephen became the first martyr2. Again, many serve Christ, much fewer give the ultimate sacrifice.
And yet when we say ‘yes’ to Jesus, just like when we enter the military, we face the possibility that we will be asked to give our lives for Jesus.
Stephen was the first and he set the standard high. He bore witness to Jesus until his dying breath. He prayed for his captors, tormentors and persecutors. He held on to his faith tightly, despite the impending cost.
I have no fear of martyrdom, but yet, I pray that should God ask the ultimate sacrifice of me, that I could follow in Stephen’s footsteps of faith… bearing witness to and praying for my persecutors while holding on to Jesus faithfully and tenaciously.
These are not pleasant thoughts but people I know in
Lord, I am challenged by the deep faith of Stephen. I am challenged by sisters and brothers around the world who face trial, persecution and martyrdom for You, Jesus. Help me to be strong for You and to give whatever You ask of me, that Your glory may be extended to every corner of this world. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
1 http://www.va.gov/opa/publications/factsheets/fs_americas_wars.pdf
2 http://www.gordonconwell.edu/resources/documents/TheDemographicsofChristianMartyrdom.pdf
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